Saturday, February 12, 2011

Why we had to buy spoons, and what I'm afraid that says about us

We finally broke down and bought some teaspoons.  It seemed like our silverware drawer never contained spoons.  They were always in the dishwasher, which of course hadn't been run.  We managed - there were plenty of baby and toddler spoons available, or of course the "big spoons," and using such a variety even added a touch of humor to our eating times.  But it got old, and we just wished for clean teaspoons when they seemed to be called for.  While in the silverware aisle at Walmart, the decision was made to buy more spoons, almost doubling the number of spoons in our possession, and although they don't quite match our original silverware our hope is that we will not be left wanting for a clean spoon nearly as often anymore.

Funny thing, though, we rarely run out of forks before the dishwasher is run, and never knives.  Just spoons, even though our set contains the same number of spoons, forks, and knives. I didn't have to think very long or hard to figure out why this is the case, and unfortunately it probably doesn't enhance the image I'd like to portray.

Let's see - what do we eat with spoons?  Well, there's cereal.  (That's healthy, right?  Because the Lucky Charms box even boasts "WHOLE GRAIN!" )  Ice cream necessitates spoons.  (And that fulfills as a dairy requirement, I believe.)  A little yogurt, soup on occasion, applesauce from those little plastic containers...see, spoons go quickly! 

If we used forks, that might indicate that we eat substantial meals.  Chicken, beef, fish, potatoes, vegetables.  Yeah, that hasn't happened as much as it should around here lately.  And eating out IS happening more than it normally would.  So those forks and knives have stayed comfortably put in the silverware drawer, always ready for the rare occaions that they are called to service! 

Meals are tough enough to decide on and prepare in normal circumstances.  When so much energy is used just getting out of bed and making it through the day, those meals just don't take top priority.  Someday our forks will get more of a workout again, I have no doubt.  Until then, we hope that we now have enough spoons to get us through between dishwasher runs!

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